Everyday DC

“Everyday DC,” a photography exhibition, presents a visual narrative of everyday life in Washington, D.C. through the eyes of more than 100 DC public middle school students from all four quadrants of the city. The exhibition is the culmination of a unit designed by the Pulitzer Center in collaboration with DC Public Schools (DCPS) and facilitated by over a dozen DCPS visual arts teachers. Images from nearly a dozen middle schools are represented in the exhibition.
“Everyday DC” was inspired by the Everyday Africa project, founded by Pulitzer Center grantees Peter DiCampo and Austin Merrill, to redirect focus toward a more accurate understanding of what the majority of Africans experience on a day-to-day basis: normal life. Like Everyday Africa, Everyday DC challenges students to consider how Washington D.C. is portrayed in the media, and how they can compose images that more accurately visualize their everyday experiences.
The “Everyday DC” project is funded in part by the D.C. Commission on the Arts & Humanities, an agency supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. The project is also supported by the Charles Sumner School Museum & Archives, which generously donated the space for the exhibition. For more information about the unit plan and exhibition, contact education@pulitzercenter.org