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5th Grade Honors Chorus
Song Sourcing Lab
Fall Workshop 



DCPS Arts is excited to bring back the song sourcing workshop this year! Partnering with Raise Your Voice Labs and Children’s Chorus of Washington, we will provide a song sourcing lab experience to select students from the district’s 5th Grade Honors Chorus! 

Raise Your Voice Labs (RYVL) is thrilled to be partnering with the Children’s Chorus of Washington (CCW) and DC Public Schools (DCPS) to bring our Lab experience to select students from the District’s 5th Grade!


In a fun and music-filled day-long program, students will have a chance to...

★  Unlock their creativity through song, poetry, movement, and art.

★  Connect with students from across DC.

★  Explore ideas around our values, community, and purpose in the world.

★  Learn how to communicate with one another through active listening and genuine, vulnerable sharing.

★  Be a part of creating and composing an original song that will be sung by all chorus participants at the 2023 DC Honor Chorus concert in May!

Date: Saturday, November 19
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: THEARC (
Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus) - Levine Music Campus. 1901 Mississippi Ave SE, Washington, DC 20020
*Transportation assistance (Uber gift card) will be provided to families that are in need.

Lunch and snacks will be provided throughout the day, and we’ll provide transportation assistance for those who need it. We will also schedule two follow-up virtual meetings at the start of 2023 to celebrate the release of the finished song and reconnect with one another!


The group will be guided by Austin Willacy, a professional musician, facilitator, and youth mentor, and Sarah Brajtbord, a facilitator and youth development professional.

We are excited to work with any student who loves music and singing, is curious about songwriting, and wants to connect in meaningful ways with students from all across DC. We are looking for students who want to share about themselves and learn from others. We can’t wait to support them in playing, learning, and growing together!


  • Nomination deadline by DCPS Teachers: Wednesday, October 19

  • Selections by Tuesday, October 25

  • Notifications and permission slips to families by Friday, October 28

  • Deadline to return the permission slips: Friday, November 4


We know students all lead busy lives and have lots going on. We ask that students commit to being present, on time, and available for the full duration of the workshop. The presence is critical to the group, and we want to make sure we are taking each step of this journey together. Please commit to attending the full day. 


For Questions, please email Betsy Bates, CCW Executive Director,; Sarah, a RYVL facilitator, at or Katy Weatherly, the DCPS representative, at  


We can’t wait to play with you, sing with you, create with you, and learn from you! 

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